
We “Want” You to Hear Dizzy Spells’ Catchy New Single Now! [Premiere]



Are you feeling woozy? Maybe a little off-kilter? Well then, it may be time to take “a fearful leap into the dark” with Dizzy Spells and their brand new single, “Want.” The song is the latest tease to come from their debut album, A Fearful Leap Into The Dark, which is set to land on November 20th and follows up the September single release, “Night Owl.”

Today, we’re happy to be once again teaming up with Dizzy Spells after our recent chat with the trio about their sound, new record, and most notable musical inspirations. For comparison’s sake “Want” is more subdued-sounding than “Night Owl,” but still accomplishes showcasing that quirky, sample-heavy sound that you’ll hear more of once the album drops in a month.

In writing and recording “Night Owl,” the members of Dizzy Spells tried to break their process down and simplify things for a change. To elaborate, the guys shared, “This song was an exercise in minimalism for us, particularly the lyrics. We have a tendency to overcrowd our music with too many words and, this time around, we wanted lines and melodies that were short and sweet to fit the minimalist vibe. In the end, we ended up stripping a bunch of ideas that would have congested ‘Want’ both lyrically and musically, so that it might breathe a bit more. If you listen to our other singles like ‘Ohhh No’ and ‘Hiya,’ you’ll definitely notice a sort of manic maximalism that we purposefully left out of ‘Want.’ It was a really useful exploration for us to be conscious of and structure the melodies around the idea of keeping it simple for this song!”

The creation of Taylor Stover, Tyler Boyd, and Brayden Deskins, Dizzy Spells is a talented team of multi-instrumentalists held together by an unusual sense of humour that has helped create a real brotherly atmosphere between them. Already veterans of the industry, both Stover and Deskins have spent nearly a decade in numerous Bay Area-based bands, all the while maintaining a very close friendship.

A Fearful Leap Into The Dark is representative of a somewhat reluctant trip into the unknown, with songs that do not shy away from sombre, negative, or anxious feelings. Even with the uncertainty of it all, the album is colourful and confident in its pop sensibilities. The album was written from a small, broken-down cabin in Calabasas, California where the trio wrote over 30 demos. Not that we should have to entice you, but this is one Fearful Leap Into The Dark we can promise that you’ll thoroughly enjoy.

Artwork for ‘Want’ by Dizzy Spells


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