
Sky Valley Mistress Post Isolation Cover of Nine Inch Nails ‘Every Day Is Exactly The Same’

Sky Valley Mistress have posted their isolation cover of Nine Inch Nails ‘Every Day Is Exactly The Same’ which you can check out here.



Following the release of their debut album Faithless Rituals back in March on New Heavy Sounds, Sky Valley Mistress had planned to be on tour right now. However now finding themselves in isolation the band have used their time to record a stripped back version of the Nine Inch Nails track “Every Day is Exactly The Same”. You can watch the video now:

“It seemed to make a lot of sense to strip it back of all the industrial electronic sounds and leave it with just a guitar that sounds like it’s lost in an empty void, because that’s pretty much what’s happening to every town and city around the world right now”

To begin their lockdown endeavours and armed with Trent Reznor‘s Tambourine which Max & Kayley acquired live from a Nine Inch Nails Scala show in 2013 they have recorded a version of “Everyday Is Exactly The Same”, each part has been performed, recorded and mixed remotely and strips back their usual sound to create a sombre version of this 2005 NIN classic, accompanied by a video created, directed, edited and featuring Kayley filmed in Isolation.

Kayley said “It is obvious why we chose to put this cover out now but there was more than just the title that inspired this song choice. We couldn’t have written a song that better fits with us all lyrically than this one does right now. It seemed to make a lot of sense to strip it back of all the industrial electronic sounds and leave it with just a guitar that sounds like it’s lost in an empty void, because that’s pretty much what’s happening to every town and city around the world right now. Also the tambourine we used on this track is actually the one Trent Reznor threw out to the crowd when Nine Inch Nails played at the Scala, London in 2013. We’ve wanted to use that thing on a NIN cover for a while and this was the perfect time.”

Faithless Ritual is out now on New Heavy Sounds and you can pick it up here.

Artwork for ‘Faithless Rituals’ by Sky Valley Mistress


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