
If You’re a “Junkie” For Good Music, You’ll Love The Mandevilles [Song Premiere]



If you’re going to be a junkie, then be one for great music. After all, Jimi Hendrix would agree that “music is a safe kind of high.” If you’re buying what we’re selling, then your next fix is courtesy of The Mandevilles’ brand new single, “Junkie!” The new single is a long time coming since the release of the band’s last record, Windows and Stones, over five years ago. The song is bluesy with an electronic undertone, but still delivers the rock n’ roll you’d expect from this quintet.

“Junkie” is the lead single off an upcoming album that the group is busy finishing up; a collection of songs slowly but surely cultivated completely on the musicians’ own terms. They wrote it within their own time frame, unwilling to rush to meet any artificial deadlines. And really, the records written in the most stress-free environments are more often the ones to remember.

Regarding “Junkie,” the band explained the writing process and how famous producer GGGarth Richardson ended up playing a useful role in its creation. “The recording of this song came together pretty fast, once we figured out those rad ‘We Will Rock You’ drums. (Guitarist) Nick (Lesyk) spent a good amount of time creating that ‘slicey’ guitar sound you hear off of the top and throughout. Our very dear friend GGGarth Richardson suggested using a talkbox on the bass to give it more grit. We dig it, thanks GGG! Hopefully, people dig the sounds, the vibe, the space between the notes. It’s a darker song, but it’s about a joyful feeling. It brings out the overwhelming feeling you get when you’re infatuated with someone.”

Part of the motivation behind taking their time was the band’s strong desire to not repeat themselves over and over again. In the beginning, there was no intention to write a themed record, but as the writing process carried on, a theme began to manifest itself. As a rule of thumb, The Mandevilles write songs about the things that are going on within the lives of the band members or the band itself. Lead singer Serena Pryne was going through a difficult time in her life where she felt heartbroken. Some of the songs were very much influenced by that relationship that had recently run its course.

Naturally, the band is excited to finally be nearly set to release these songs which have been within the writing and recording phase for over two years now. Much of the writing took place over 2018 before they hit the studio in January 2019. What were gritty demos are now some of the best recordings The Mandevilles have ever come up with. With such a perfectionist attitude, there is little doubt about what fan reaction is going to be.

Artwork for ‘Junkie’ by The Mandevilles


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