
Grind Band GRAVESLAVE Discuss Their TOP 10 Worst Ways To Die

With the release of their upcoming EP, Devotion, on March 6th via Trvasfuk Music, grind metal band Graveslave partnered with us to reveal their “Top 10 Worst Ways To Die.”



Things are about to get a little grim thanks to the arrival of the Graveslave. Despite the bleak outlook, you’ll likely feel a strange “Devotion” to the band once you hear more of their music. The Minneapolis death grind metal crew are gearing up for the release of their new Devotion EP (pre-order via Bandcamp) on March 6th via Trvasfuk Music. This is to be the first of two sister EPs, each featuring five new songs highlighted by their razor-sharp guitar riffs, viciously paced drums, and blend of death metal, thrash, and grind.

The writing of the EPs was very much inspired by the cult card game Magic: The Gathering. Devotion is somewhat of an ode to the sacrifice and resilience it requires to live the life of a touring, recording musician and the amount of dedication required to keep calm and carry on. You need a belief in yourself to pursue your goals, which Graveslave are very much cognizant of with this new EP. Staying true to the inspiration that came from the Magic card game, Devotion also doubles as a reference to said game.

Graveslave was initially founded in 2014 by guitarist and songwriter Roman Non, along with drummer Ben Fagerness and bassist Josh Burke, who all shared a common love for blast beasts and hard music. The last few years have seen the band travel all across North America and Europe with the likes of Origin, Rings of Saturn, and Hideous Divinity. In that time, they also released two EPs, but the group was shaken to the core when singer Don “Doombringer” Durkee passed away last year. After a brief hiatus, Graveslave reemerged with new vocalist Ashton George and guitarist Joel Sigsbee (Oklahoma Caddyshack) which motivated them to record and release the upcoming Devotion EP.

In anticipation of the release of Devotion and to get to know the quirky side of Graveslave, we caught up with the band for a “very special” Top 10 list. Read on as you learn from Graveslave what they feel are the “Top 10 Worst Ways To Die.”

10. Parachute Malfunction
– You finally did it, you booked the jump and you’re gonna cross this off your bucket list. You’re in control, all you gotta do is pull the cable and you’re flying free. What could go wrong?

09. Skinned To Death
– This one is horrible ‘cause it’s so broad. How will your skin be removed from your bones? Surgically, with a scalpel and saw? Flogged and flayed in the streets for your crimes? Maybe it’s just some psycho with a potato peeler?

Graveslave’s new EP Devotion will be released on March 6th via Trvasfuk Music:

08. Devoured By Hounds
– A rude and pathetic death. Getting eaten in general is pretty awful, no matter the animal. What about rats? Or birds? Could you imagine just getting wrecked by a murder of crows? Yeesh.

07. Acute Radiation Syndrome
– Apparently this is when radiation breaks down your actual DNA and you just slowly melt to death. Like real slow.

06. Force Fed Mayonnaise Until Cardiac Arrest or Explosion
– If you really think about it, this would be awful no matter what they fed you. But there are a lot more bittersweet flavours of death than gross fucking mayo.

05. Trench Foot
– Another skin melter, this one from wearing soggy boots indefinitely during the bleak. World War I times. Oh, the horrors of war.

Go back a few years for the live music video of “Slit Throats and Garrote” filmed at Lee’s Liquor Lounge in 2017:

04. Concrete Injections
– You’re just trying to donate plasma for some extra cash to see the touring bands later tonight, but suddenly you can’t move. You’ve been injected with concrete. Your veins are now a roadmap to your death.

03. Anal Rodent Insertion Mishap
– I mean, if I had to pick one way to die from this list…

02. Gazing Upon Eldritch Horror and Coming Back a Hollow Shell, Not Truly Dead But Not Truly Alive
– Eventually, I’ll swallow my tongue, but before I do that, let me tell you, man, I’ve seen some shit.

01. When You’ve Written a Killer Opener For Your Five Minute Open Mic Set and You Finally Go On and Deliver Like You Rehearsed But Nobody Laughs
– A fate worse than death.

Watch the music video for “Strange Days,” released back in 2016:


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