
CREVASSIAN Reach a “Summit” of Drumming Ability with this 10-Minute Playthrough Video [Exclusive Premiere]

Crevassian hit the “Summit” of drumming with this playthrough video – hats off to Nick Povey on the post-metal gauntlet he puts himself through.



It’s a long way to the top, if you want to rock and roll, as the famous Aussies once proclaimed. Fortunately for new faces Crevassian, they’ve already made a pretty good stab at hitting the summit with their brand of instrumental post-metal. Borrowing as much from This Will Destroy You as from Cloudkicker, the British troupe dropped a self-titled EP at the tail end of last year with stunning soundscapes and impressive musicianship. The stand-out track is closer “Summit”, which dwarfs the other tracks by double their length, and features the drumming prowess of Nick Povey.

Speaking about the track, Povey commented, ““Summit” was a pretty obvious choice for me when I was thinking which song I wanted to do from the EP. It’s definitely the most challenging for me to play. It also seems to be a fan favourite, as I always get comments on my playing with reference to the last few sections of the track which build up and get increasingly busy and intense.

“There’s also the obvious matter that it’s basically 10 minutes long. The hardest bits are at the end, so there’s a lot of stamina involved. It also happens to be the first song we ever wrote, but the years of muscle memory and just knowing the song inside out hasn’t made it that much easier to get through with the energy conservation required to give everything the gusto it deserves. Finally, the rhythmic structure is quite interesting. The working title for this song was Renaissance because it repeats the rhythms earlier in the track in reverse chronological order in the last 3rd with new chords and variations over the top.”

Wait, before you click away, take the time to stream the powerful full EP below.


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