
Arizona Punks THE SPIFFS Celebrate the Reissue of Their Sole Album with a Guest Blog [Exclusive]

Phoenix, Arizona-based Fervor Records recently reissued Don’t Waste Your Money on this Garbage, the sole studio recording from their hometown’s infamous punk group, The Spiffs. Good thing we scored this guest blog to expand on that…



Found in 1990, Phoenix, Arizona-based Fervor Records recently reissued Don’t Waste Your Money on this Garbage, the sole studio recording from their hometown’s infamous punk group, The Spiffs. The re-release, which can be purchased here, dropped on August 31st, some 35+ years after its original outing back in 1980.

So, who exactly are The Spiffs? Well, with a lifespan of only about two years (1979-81), the group was formed by singer/songwriter Glenn De Jongh and included drummer Steve Golladay and guitarist Don Doiron. Quickly establishing themselves as a powerhouse live act with their wild antics – both onstage and off – they quickly disbanded (okay, imploded) after instigating a riot at a gig promoting a KUPD compilation album on which they were featured.

Oozing with punk ethos, it’s fortunate this classic EP has been revitalised with a reissue. Commemorating the milestone, we were fortunate to connect with Glenn De Jongh for an exclusive guest blog. So, how does this former mischief maker believe a band can got noticed? (Or, at least, when they were active.) Here’s Glen’s guide to getting noticed with relentless self-promotion!

A collection of rad photos of the band in all of their ’80s glory.

01. The First Gig Should be Special
– We promoted the handing out of free punk sunglasses to everyone who attended our first show! They were bought in bulk for 10 cents a piece. The gig was purposefully booked in a cowboy-style bar, with the intention of freaking out the regular patrons. It worked! The place was packed, half with punk fans to see The Spiffs, and the other half with cowboys.

02. Get Some Press Coverage, Whatever it is
– I called the largest music news publication in Arizona (Phoenix New Times) twice a week suggesting that they mention our growing popularity and crowd size. After consistently calling for weeks, The Spiffs were featured in the most read “Scoops” section with a line reading, em>“The Spiffs will not rest until we mention that they are playing in Tempe, AZ, weekly.” This was the first mention of our name in a music journal!

03. Get the Word Out to Who You Want to be Your Fans
– Three times a week we walked through Arizona State University handing out band flyers while wearing garbage bags or pajamas! We once brought bikini-clad girls holding picket signs that read, “Sid Vicious is God”, “Rock Is Dead”, “Punk Rules”, “Led Zeppelin Sucks”, “Get Spiffed”, etc.

Without further ado, it’s time to stream the Don’t Waste Your Money On This Garbage EP.

04. Get Airplay
– The day I received the first pressing of our record, Don’t Waste Your Money on this Garbage, I walked right in the alternative radio station with copy. The DJ invited me in the booth and played a song on the spot!

05. Press vs. Money?
– We would often forgo any pay for a gig if the venue spent extra money on radio and/or big magazine ads with our band pictures.

06. Moral of the Story
– Get the word out there. Call the press. Walk in their office and introduce yourself to the editor. Visit the radio station and introduce yourself. Always have fun, and believe in your music!


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