
SEASON OF ARROWS Streaming New Song “From The Wilderness We Return”

Nashville-based merchants of doom Season of Arrows have revealed “From The Wilderness We Return”, a haunting sorrow-drenched track from their forthcoming album Give It to the Mountain.



Nashville-based merchants of doom Season of Arrows have revealed “From The Wilderness We Return”, a haunting sorrow-drenched track from their forthcoming album Give It to the Mountain. The song is a slower paced, 8-minute epic that highlights the band’s style of doom meets hard rock.

The band formed in January 2014 and aims to take the sounds of heavy music and blend it with elements about the darker sides of life, almost like a cross between Jefferson Airplane and Black Sabbath. The band’s self-titled debut album was universally hailed by critics with praise from places such as Metal Forces, Doomed and Stoned and The Sludgelord.


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