
Iced Earth Interview with Stu Block & Jon Schaffer on the Positive Impact of Music – Rock Heart #012

In this video, Iced Earth’s vocalist Stu Block and guitarist Jon Schaffer talk to us about the positive impact music can have on not only the listeners but the songwriters as well.



It’s common fact that music is not only supremely powerful, but can also elicit deep, emotional, physical and psychological responses. For thousands of years music has helped people to express their feelings, deal with loss, celebrate victories and so much more.

Urban Dictionary defines “rock heart” as “a person usually with a heart wired into the cosmos through musical vibrations, beyond time, beyond space, beyond death” and in our new series, Rock Heart, we ask musicians to share stories about how music, in any way, has impacted their lives, saved them or their fans, helped them out, etc.

While onboard the 70000 Tons Of Metal Cruise back in February, we scored some time to chat with Iced Earth’s vocalist Stu Block and guitarist Jon Schaffer about the positive impact music can have on not only the listeners but the songwriters as well.


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