
Tattoo Talk: December In Red Bassist Colbey Schnelle Discusses His Shop Timeless Tattoo, Sentimental Sleeve, and Nikola Tesla Portrait

We chatted with Colbey Schnelle, bass player for the hard rock/metal band December in Red, about his own shop in Monroe, WA, Timeless Tattoo, and much more.



Colbey Schnelle, bass player for the hard rock/metal band, December in Red, took some time to speak with us about tattoos. The group’s sophomore album, The Way Out, was released on March 10th (order it on Amazon or iTunes) and recently they also dropped a video for their lead single “Send Me a Postcard.” We chatted with Schnelle about his own shop in Monroe, WA, Timeless Tattoo, and much more.

When and where was your first tattoo?
Schnelle: I got my first tattoo in a town called Prineville, located in Central OR when I was 13. I traded a metal pipe for a guy to give me a guitar string pot leaf on my right calf. Not too long after, my dad saw it and was really pissed! He took me to a shop that was willing to cover it up, so I ended up getting a big panther head.

Do any of them have special meaning?
Schnelle: There was a period in my life when I was heavily addicted to some pretty bad stuff. My left sleeve represents the struggle and what it took to get out of it. Small reminder of a person I would hope I would never become ever again.

Do you have a specific shop or artist you frequent?
Schnelle: Well, I actually am an artist myself. I’ve pretty much been getting my pieces from the two artists I work with, Mike Phillips or Tori Brewer. We have a shop called Timeless Tattoo in Monroe, WA. It usually ends up being something really ridiculous. We try and keep things humorous nowadays.

Do you have any tattoos that were extremely painful?
Schnelle: Oh man, do I! Every single one! I would have to say that the Geisha on my rib cage was the worst! It felt like Tori was taking a grinder to me! Well worth it for the amazing piece though!

If you had to get someone’s face tattooed on you, who would it be?
Schnelle: Way before I was tattooing I told Del (December in Red vocalist) that if he paid for it, I would get his face tattooed on my ass! I never got it though. I will be getting a watercolor style portrait of Nikola Tesla pretty soon. I’ve been reading about him a lot lately. He was an extremely amazing person.

Check out the song “Send Me a Postcard” here.


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