Album Review

Sullen Waves – “Seven” [Song Review]

The music, the lyrics, the unbridled angsty passion, and Alex Pratsyuk’s vocals/screams are all SO reminiscent of In Utero-era Nirvana that it’s uncanny!



Nirvana is my favourite band of ALL TIME. Ever since Kurt removed himself (or was removed by someone else, who knows…) from this planet and the remaining band members each went their own way, I’ve failed to find something to fill the grungy void I was left with when Nirvana ceased to be. So, any time a group lists Nirvana as one on their influences, I perk up.

Enter Los Angeles, California’s Sullen Waves who, as I’m sure you’ve guessed, have Nirvana as number one on their list of influences… OK, I’m paying attention. But will this be just another miserable fucking disappointment, or something that will finally, actually leave me with goosebumps, hallucinogenic-like flashbacks to the glory-days of grunge, and a moderate erection? Well, consider me hair-raised, high, and hard!

I literally opened the press email about the independent release of Sullen Waves’ new single, “Seven,” two hours ago and in that time I’ve Liked their Facebook page (from two different accounts), messaged the band directly, emailed the PR person, posted a news article about them, listened to this song at least 20 times on repeat, and wrote this fucking review. And fine, I also wrote something in my fiancee’s Valentine’s Day card.

Being that I discovered this band all of 2 hours ago, I have NO idea what to expect from their forthcoming debut EP Sense of Emergency, but if it’s anything remotely like “Seven”, pre-orders beginning February 28th will be off the hook! The music, the lyrics (“Every day I’m bored and grumpy. Loosing touch with the world around me. I blame it all on Harry Potter. Poison food and poison water”), the unbridled angsty passion, and Alex Pratsyuk’s vocals/screams are all SO reminiscent of In Utero-era Nirvana that it’s uncanny!

To coincide with the release of Sense of Emergency, Sullen Waves will perform an intimate show in their hometown of Los Angeles, CA at the Viper Room on March 8th. Well FUCK YOU too Los Angeles, why don’t you move to Canada!

Run Time: 2:23
Release Date: February 24, 2015

Check out the song “Seven”


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