
Anewrage – “Ape’s Legacy” [Free Song Download]

And the song title of the year award goes to…. our latest free song download “Ape’s Legacy” from Milan, Italy band Anewrage.



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And the song title of the year award goes to…. our latest free song download “Ape’s Legacy”, from Milan, Italy band Anewrage. We’re not really sure what type of legacy an ape can have, but let’s just go with it. Together since 2009, Anewrage crank out an awesome mix of your favorite rock n’ roll influences, like alternative metal and post-grunge. Their debut record is called ANR and was produced by Matteo Magni who has worked with Rhyme, Audrey, Mellowtoy, at Magnitude Studios.

Thus far in their short career, the four-piece band has toured as much as possible and shared the stage with bands such as Destrage, Pino Scotto, Forgotten Tears, UFO as well as Gama Bomb and Sawthis at the Metal Disorder Festival 2010. Clearly this is a band that means business so why don’t you quit monkeying around and download the damn song!


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