
Interview with Tear Out The Heart; Vocalist Tyler Konersman Discusses Latest Victory Records Release ‘Dead, Everywhere’

Tear Out The Heart vocalist, Tyler Konersman, sat down to discuss his St. Louis-based metalcore band’s second full-length disc, Dead, Everywhere, which is due out on January 27th via Victory Records.



Tear Out The Heart vocalist Tyler Konersman sat down for a moment to answer some questions about the band and their upcoming release, Dead, Everywhere. The St. Louis-based metalcore acts’ second full-length disc is due in stores on January 27th via Victory Records and Konersman afforded us and you, the fans, some insight into the group and the recording.

Now that your new record Dead, Everywhere, is complete and close to being released how do you feel about it and are you satisfied with the outcome?
Konersman: Very. It was a very long and strenuous process, so to be able to sit back and look at what we’ve created, is a feeling like no other.

What is the story behind the name of the disc, “Dead, Everywhere?
Konersman: “Dead, Everywhere” was the title of a piece I had written prior to the recording process. I didn’t really plan on using it as lyrics because it’s not really how I envisioned it, or played it out in my mind. I came up with the idea to try it in spoken word and it turned out to be the perfect intro the record. It basically touches base with all of the topics on the record and states that everyone out there has the opportunity to play the hero or the villain. Each second of every day is another chance to turn things all around and “growing up” means wearing your insecurities and flaws like a badge of honor.

Check out the song “I’ve Got Secrets”

When you write do you write with the live setting in mind?
Konersman: Honestly? No. This band has always been very much based on technology and a rather extensive recording/demoing process. We don’t usually get together and play the music together until way after the record is finished being mixed and mastered. It’s actually a very interesting experience when we go back and play the songs we wrote in the studio. It makes us appreciate the songs in a whole new light. Very rewarding.

How does it make you feel when the energy and power you envisioned in the studio comes to life in front of an audience?
Konersman: Nothing compares to playing live shows. NOTHING. It’s my favorite part of being a band. Being able to look out into the crowd and connect with strangers on a common level is just such a rad thing.

Any rituals before you hit the stage? If so what are they?
Konersman: Rituals? Eh. We all have our own little things but we’ll usually have drink or two to relax a bit before going on stage.

Do you have any touring plans in support of the releases?
Konersman: Absolutely. We have a small little Midwest headlining run immediately following the release of the new album, then we’ll be doing a full US in the spring. Hopefully more of the same this summer! Keep an eye out for announcements!

What is the strangest thing that has ever happened to you on tour or at one of your shows?
Konersman: Shit. I don’t know! There’s so much that goes on while on the road. I’ve hitchhiked. Drank in the middle of the woods. Watched our trailer catch fire. There’s always a story with us.

Times are tough these days. Do you have a job when you are not touring?
Konersman: Oh yes. We all do for the most part! We don’t make music for the money because well, there isn’t much. I own a bar/venue called “The Mad Magician” back home (in St Louis), and I also DJ a bit.

What would fans be surprised to find on your iPod?
Konersman: Oh man, you don’t want to know what I listen to. Pretty much no metal. I’m a big fan of punk and even some straight up pop stuff. Lately, I’ve been listening to a lot of Panic At The Disco and State Champs.

What is next for you guys?
Konersman: We’ll be releasing a few music videos / singles off the new record within the coming months. Other than that, just touring as much as humanly possible. Find a date and come party with us! And don’t forget to grab a copy of Dead, Everywhere – it comes out on Jan 27th. Pre-order your copy at!

Check out the song “Feel Real”


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