Album Review

Tragic Hearts – “Tragic Hearts” [EP]

Tragic Hearts is a Toronto based pop-punk outfit that plays it safe and solid, sticking to the basic crowd pleasers and leaning on some refined melodies to put them over the top. “Bad Habits” keeps the self-titled EP afloat with its chugging hooks, outshining the other tracks although all are reliably pleasing. While it never really blows you away, Tragic Hearts is a tight collection and what it lacks in daring it makes up for with stoic dependability.



Tragic Hearts is a Toronto based pop-punk outfit that plays it safe and solid, sticking to the basic crowd pleasers and leaning on some refined melodies to put them over the top. “Bad Habits” keeps the self-titled EP afloat with its chugging hooks, outshining the other tracks although all are reliably pleasing. While it never really blows you away, Tragic Hearts is a tight collection and what it lacks in daring it makes up for with stoic dependability.

With member ties to The Victim Party, Hostage Life, and The Artist Life it’s a given that these guys can write a pop-punk song. It’s a little too paint by the numbers for sure, but hell, most of the time that looks better anyways.

Track Listing:

01. Charity
02. Bad Habits
03. Ache
04. Therapy

Run Time: 11:42
Release Date: July 29, 2013

Check out the album ‘Tragic Hearts’


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