Album Review

Jules Julio Martinez – “Physical Memories and the Curves of Coïncidence” [EP]

I found out about Jules Julio Martinez when sniffing around Bandcamp for new and undiscovered talent. His EP was tagged with “jazz metal”, “Cynic”, and “Opeth” so I thought I would take a listen and see what the album was like. Well, at 6 songs long Physical Memories and the Curves of Coincidence is the perfect introduction to Jules’ sound.



I found out about Jules Julio Martinez when sniffing around Bandcamp for new and undiscovered talent. His EP was tagged with “jazz metal”, “Cynic”, and “Opeth” so I thought I would take a listen and see what the album was like. Well, at 6 songs long Physical Memories and the Curves of Coincidence is the perfect introduction to Jules’ sound.

The man is an impressive musician – according to his bio he is a guitar teacher – and he manages to create lush, dreamy sounds tinged with metal. Cynic is probably the best musical comparison here as both vocally and sound-wise he comes very close to that band. Vocally Jules has a vocal style similar to Mikael Akerfeldt in that he combines both death grunts and clean singing seamlessly going to one from the next without it sounding forced. This is very unusual as most bands who do this tend to sound like the clean singing is thrown in as an afterthought. Jules on the other hand uses the death grunts to supplement his clean singing.

Again, the album is a good intro to Jules and his songwriting, and shows a man who has a lot of potential for making some excellent music. This is definitely someone to watch out for in the coming years. The album is only 3 Euros and well worth the price, so check the Bandcamp stream below and buy the EP after!

Track Listing:

01. Sky Father
02. The Open Door
03. Physical Memories
04. Tomb of the Driver
05. Garden of Tuberoses
06. Earth Mother

Run Time: 26:06
Release Date: May 23, 2012

Check out the album ‘Physical Memories and the Curves of Coïncidence’


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