Geared Up

Gear Review: Unleashed drummer Anders Schultz on his “borrowed” Tama Drum Kit

For more than 20 years now the Swedish death metal titans Unleashed have been cranking out their own unique brand of music. Recently I was able to catch up with drummer Anders Schultz to speak with him about the gear he used when recording the band’s 10th full-length release Odalhiem. Here’s what Schultz had to say.



For more than 20 years now the Swedish death metal titans Unleashed have been cranking out their own unique brand of music. Recently I was able to catch up with drummer Anders Schultz to speak with him about the gear he used when recording the band’s 10th full-length release Odalhiem. Here’s what Schultz had to say.

What kind of drum setup did you use when recording the new album Odalhiem?
Anders: I used Ronnie B from Graves’ kit actually. It was near and a lot better than mine I have to admit. It’s a Tama kit and I used 3 rack, 10-12-14″ and 1 16″ floor. My own old Yamaha 14″ snare and my now almost ancient Iron cobra double kick. The cymbals are mostly Paiste Rudes, 1×16, then 1×17 and 18″ and one badass 22″ china! Also a 16″ Zildjan and a set of Zildian Hats.

Besides drums what other instruments do you play?
Anders: I dabble a bit with guitar, just enough so I can write riffs and songs.

Overall, which drummers have you been the most inspired by?
Anders: Hard to say of course, but in a way you have to give the most cred to the ones you listened to when young of course, like Dave Lombardo and Charlie Benante. But also a wide mix from Thee slayer hippy (Poison Idea) to Neil Peart. Basically just cool stuff of a lot of styles I’m likely to try to steal it.

Past or present, other than Unleashed, if you could be a drummer for any other band, which band would it be?
Anders: That’s a hard question. I don’t think I’ve ever thought in that way ever. I’m quite content doing what I do. But for sure it would be cool to play in Slayer for example. Early Slayer that is. I quite like their new stuff sometimes, but it would be cool to just be up and jamming the old classics. We’ve covered “Raining Blood” on occasion and it’s bloody fun!

Did you have formal education on the drums?
Anders: Not really. I went to a couple of classes when starting out, but I was way too eager to get on with it and just beat the shit out of the drums than sit there and try to learn basics. And I never looked back. I have sometimes regretted that, but at the same time not. It wouldn’t be me now, would it?

Do you think about distinguishing the drum performances and sounds from release to release?
Anders: Yeah sure, as far as it’s possible. Our albums and music are all about refining what we do and evolving within our style, but still keeping a strong connection to our roots so to speak, so the same goes for the drumming. I just try to get a bit sharper on every release and just go with it.

Check out the song: “Odalheim”


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