
Interview with Audrey Napoleon [Exclusive]



Recently we had the opportunity to catch up with Audrey Napoleon. Read up on a lot of interesting things you may not have known about Audrey.

Hi Audrey! As this is your first interview with MaxMuzik, let’s start off with a little background. How did you get into music?
I’ve been musical since I was a child. Always singing, putting on performances, playing instruments. My parents are both musical so I grew up in a very creative environment. It was only natural for me to continue on with music throughout my life.

For our readers who’ve never heard your music, explain your sound in 5 words.
Underground Pop.

Can you offer insight into some of your musical inspirations?
The sounds of pots, pans ,the wind, cars on the street, swarm of bees, people in a restaurant, water bubbling up…. These are the kinds of things that inspire me musically.

Earlier this year, you released two singles “Bitchy Queen” and “Banana Soda Es Muy Loca”. What was that experience like for you?
It has been amazing to release these singles. It is a magical feeling to see something from its inception and then release it into the world.

You worked with director Nicole McDonald for your short film series. How was the working experience with her?
Nicole is a visionary. Prior to meeting Nicole, I met with four or five directors and the moment I sat down with her I thought “this one gets it”. We spoke of the direction I wanted to take these films and how I saw them. I got her perspective on my ideas and found inspiration in that. This was the catalyst for me to move forward with her. She then sent me the most beautiful treatment. She was a perfect match for this project and so professional. The entire team she put together were all passionately brilliant. I couldn’t of asked for more.

If you could open up for an artist right now, who would it be and why?
David Bowie. He is a performer in every sense of the word as well as one of my inspirations.

Speaking of shows, what are you touring plans for the rest of the year?
Being Heineken’s 2012 Ambassador, I will be doing many shows with them as well as a tour of the Planet Earth.

What artists would fans be surprised to find on your iPod?
Adele. Sometimes, I can be a big sap! In all honestly, she has an incredible voice and she’s such a beautiful woman. We can all use a good cry now and again.

Any final thoughts or parting words?
I will make sure the coroner gets you my “final thought” when it happens. x

Follow Audrey on: Web, Facebook, Twitter and SoundCloud.

Check out Audrey’s latest two singles:


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