Geared Up

Gear Review: Malefice drummer Chris Allan-Whyte on his Pearl Snare Drum

Drummer Chris Allan-Whyte of the British metal band Malefice took a moment to speak with me about his Pearl snare drum he uses to obtain that hard hitting, brutal Malefice drum sound. Here is what Allan-Whyte had to say.



Drummer Chris Allan-Whyte of the British metal band Malefice took a moment to speak with me about his Pearl snare drum he uses to obtain that hard hitting, brutal Malefice drum sound. Here is what Allan-Whyte had to say.

What one piece if gear do you use to obtain your signature sound?
Chris: That’s hard to answer as a drummer as I use a lot of cymbals and drums, all for different reasons.
 I might say my Pearl 13×6.5″ snare drum. The Joey Jordison model

What about it makes it so important to you?
Chris: It’s a very unique sounding drum. Maybe not unique to me, as its Joey Jordisons model, but the way I tune it and play it really makes a difference to our sound as a band. It’s not a standard size; it’s more of a power piccolo snare drum, which I like.

What are the major pros and cons?
Chris: Pros…It sounds great, it cuts over the wall of guitars, it’s unique in sound. Cons…I haven’t found any yet! I can use it for many different styles of music!

How long have you had it, how do you use it, would you ever chance it?
Chris: I’ve been using it for a year now. Fit it with my favorite Evans HD snare head. I tune it high, hit it hard, and put some passion into every hit! I would only change it if the music needed something different. But for the sound of Malefice right now, it’s perfect!

Any final thoughts or comments on the gear?
Chris: I love it. Pearl, Meinl, Evans and Vic Firth, my favorite cocktail, allowing me to express my creativity to the max with Malefice.

Check out the song “Awaken The Tides”


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