
Sweet Cyanide – “Crash Theory”

Sweet Cyanide is a Vaudevillian laced blend of David Bowie glam meets Guns N’ Roses grit. The band cites the aforementioned artists as major influences and undoubtedly encompass the sleazy, aggressive yet theatrical characteristics of classic rock that reigned within the timeframe of these super star acts, except with a modern flair.



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The Skinny: Sweet Cyanide is a Vaudevillian laced blend of David Bowie glam meets Guns N’ Roses grit. The band cites the aforementioned artists as major influences and undoubtedly encompass the sleazy, aggressive yet theatrical characteristics of classic rock that reigned within the timeframe of these super star acts, except with a modern flair. Rock n roll icon Ginger from The Wildhearts summarized the bands sound plain and simple stating, ”Great arrangements, Great songs.”  [ END ]


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