
Darkane – “Demonic Art”

Gritty, ominous and menacing, the fifth release from Darkane, Demonic Art, is a solid metal CD. This album dishes out a spellbinding array of demonic delight right from the very beginning with chaos ensuing throughout the duration. This twelve-track disc melds classic Thrash Metal with a healthy dose of brutality resulting…



Gritty, ominous and menacing, the fifth release from Darkane, Demonic Art, is a solid metal CD. This album dishes out a spellbinding array of demonic delight right from the very beginning with chaos ensuing throughout the duration. This twelve-track disc melds classic Thrash Metal with a healthy dose of brutality resulting in a collection of songs metal heads are sure to enjoy.

The band’s music explores all the dark and gloomy ambiance one usually associates with this musical genre; plus along the way there is some very remarkable and extraordinary playing to go along with it. The production is exceptional incorporating big chunky guitars, strong bass lines that drive the songs and drums that pound faster than just about anyone else I have heard. I imagine the drummer gets one hell of a workout during a live set. The throat shredding vocals fluctuate between low menacing growls and diabolical screams.

Demonic Art definitely holds its own when compared to other records released in this genre. If you are a fan of extremely heavy music with extremely dark themes then this one is for you.

Bottom line, Darkane have kept their signature sound and really kicked it up a notch musically. While Demonic Art does not necessarily offer anything ‘new’, it does not miss the mark either. It will be a worth the price of admission for the scores of Heavier Metal fans out there.  [ END ]

Track Listing:

01. Variations Of An Eye Crush
02. Leaving Existence
03. Demonic Art
04. Absolution
05. Execution 44
06. Impetious Constant Chaos
07. Demigod
08. Soul Survivor
09. The Killing Of I
10. The Wrong Grave
11. Still In Progress
12. Wrath Connection

Run Time: 46:06
Release Date: 10.24.2008


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