Album Review


Bone Crusher (08.23.2008)



Norris is back with a new heavy-as-hell release called, Bone Crusher. Improving on their 2005 EP Ladies And Gentlemen, We Regret To Inform You That Our Worldwide Anthem Is An Explosion. The band has constructed an all out aural assault. A mixture of ravenous, grinding double bass drumming alongside a massive wall of guitars and highlighted by unearthly throat ripping vocals, Bone Crusher is an extreme metal heads dream.

Throughout the disc, surprises await the listener around every corner. For example, the track, “King George The Third Would Be Turning In His Grave,” begins as a hard and heavy and in your face tune but midway through unexpectedly switches gears and becomes something a lot mellower incorporating clean vocals and an unexpected, albeit short, but welcome reprieve from the brutality. A minute or so later the attack begins once again.

Similar in style to bands such as Light Yourself On Fire and Converge, this disc is intense and each song has an inexorable fury and propulsive momentum that drives it towards a brief foray into chaos. The song that I feel is the best on this disc is “The Dirge.” This tune contains some very good guitar work and riffs and the drumming is quite unreal. Even though the tracks are good, there is very little variety on the disc, and this type of music is certainly nothing new. However, I do believe that fans of extreme music and or the aforementioned bands will really dig Bone Crusher and what the guys in Norris have done. Hit their MySpace page now as they’re giving this EP away for free!  [ END ]

Track Listing:

01. Epic Failure
02. Bone Crusher
03. King George The Third Would Be Turning In His Grave
04. The Dirge
05. The Inevitable

Run Time: 22:12


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