Album Review

Comeback Kid

Broadcasting… (02.20.2007)



Were the clue in Final Jeopardy! ever to read, ”2/2 thrash drumming, drudging power-chord riffs, and gang vocals are clichéd elements of this musical genre, often associated with pimple-covered teenagers dancing like mating gorillas,” whoever answered, “What is hardcore music?” would be laughing their way to the bank. While the above combination of musical components usually creates a recipe for disaster, if you take a bunch of humble Canadians, mix em’ together with some poise, conviction, and energy, you’ll likely end up with something mighty tasty.

Comeback Kid achieved the closest thing to perfection in hardcore music in the past five years with Wake the Dead, and this follow up is either a tad stronger or a tad weaker – I haven’t totally decided yet. What I do know is that this record, in classic Comeback Kid fashion, is ferociously angry and honest enough to warrant several listens.

“Defeated” is a killer opener with a Norma Jean-esque intro riff that blasts into some blazing sonic wrath, heavier than anything the band has previously released. The title track, as well as “In/Tuition”, allow Andrew Neufeld to showcase his pipes and erase any existing doubts that he could front this band. However, as with all good acts from this genre, the vocals act more as a background instrument to let the fierceness of the music take the driver’s seat.

While there isn’t a song here that will match the intensity of “Talk is Cheap”, or the contagiousness of “Wake the Dead”, every track here contributes to a wrecking ball of an album sure to destroy anything in its path. Hearing them play any one of these songs live would incite a riot, and even have hardcore-dancing haters like me fighting with a blindfold on. If you listen to aggressive music in any of its forms, you should get to know this record and this band. Seriously.  [ END ]

Track Listing:

01. Defeated
02. Broadcasting…
03. Hailing on Me
04. The Blackstone
05. Industry Standards
06. Give’r (Reprise)
07. One Left Satisfied
08. Come Around
09. In Case of Fire
10. Market Demands
11. In/Tuition

Run Time: 33:08


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