
Ministry – “Lies Lies Lies” [Free Song Download]

Rio Grande Blood is the tenth studio album by industrial metal band Ministry, released in 2006. It is their first release through 13th Planet and Megaforce Records.



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Rio Grande Blood is the tenth studio album by industrial metal band Ministry, released in 2006. It is their first release through 13th Planet and Megaforce Records. The album is the 2nd part of the band’s anti-George W. Bush trilogy, preceded by 2004’s Houses of the Molé and followed by 2007’s The Last Sucker. The title of the album is a parody of the 1972 ZZ Top album Rio Grande Mud.

Just like Houses of the Molé, Rio Grande Blood contains very political lyrics, making frequent allusions to the George W. Bush administration. In fact, the album cover uses what appears to be a heavily modified portrait of George W. Bush face with the body of a crucified Christ. Also, some of the issues raised include the current Iraq War, U.S. immigration policy and U.S. military policy (particularly the US Marine Corps in the song “Gangreen”). The Halliburton corporation is also quoted and linked to the Bush administration. The track “Señor Peligro” appears to come out in support of Hugo Chávez – the President of Venezuela – against the U.S. government: “Señor Peligro” is Spanish for “Mr. Danger,” a nickname that Chávez uses for Bush. Source: Wikipedia


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