
Video Interview with Job For A Cowboy frontman Jonny Davy and guitarist Bobby Thompson

You all know that this summer SOTU ’07 demolished the whole North American content! Well, we caught up with an equally devastating group in Job For A Cowboy and spoke with frontman Jonny Davy and guitarist Bobby Thompson just outside the Kool Haus on a grassy knoll. The guys answered questions about their latest music video, new album Genesis, and a whole lot more including tour plans for the rest of the year! Enjoy ya’ll!



The Skinny: You all know that this summer SOTU ’07 demolished the whole North American content! Well, we caught up with an equally devastating group in Job For A Cowboy and spoke with frontman Jonny Davy and guitarist Bobby Thompson just outside the Kool Haus on a grassy knoll. The guys answered questions about their latest music video, new album Genesis, and a whole lot more including tour plans for the rest of the year! Enjoy ya’ll!


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