Album Review

Built Upon Frustration

The Book of Mourning (2006)



Veteran, Pittsburgh has an amazing metalcore/hardcore band and they go by the name of Built Upon Frustration. Coming back hard to the music scene with their new LP called The Book of Mourning, this band is now ready to explode. This CD is perfect should you really want to fight someone and as a follow-up to their 2004 album Resurrected, it couldn’t be better. This is by far, the better of their two albums; the recording sounds quit a bit clearer and the songs are overall, more powerful. When I first heard these guys a year ago I was just like: “meh, it’s awesome, but I have heard it a thousand times before.” But now, even though this is nothing new to the music scene, it still kicks ass on a higher level.

This band has potential for sure as does the CD, yet it remains very hard to get super far when billions of bands basically sound the same nowadays. It’s luck of the draw right now in today’s music world, but with that in mind I could totally see these guys on a big label like “Victory Records,” or something along those lines. They have a label right now by the name of Da’ Core Records, who seem promising for them as a band, since they have been in contact with them since there first 2-song demo back in 1997. I hope it works out for these guys, because they could make it really far with the right promotion.

Anyone who’s heard any hardcore music in their life pretty much understands what I’m getting into, when I say this CD has some really catchy breakdowns and a balls-to-the-wall guitar tone (when it comes to the palm muting ring outs). The songs are all very heavy, and catchy in different ways, but they also kinda have a bit of the “Lamb Of God” tone to them when the higher notes are being played. I really dug that about this CD!

The singer also fits the band very well with his raw low end screams. I think it ads character to the album since he is the band’s new singer; his name is Joe Bonaddio. They also managed to get a new drummer named Mike Papariella and believe me, this guy is intense with both his tom work and double kick work… he is one of the tightest hardcore drummers I have herd in a while actually.

The overall sound of the band is very snappy. Combine that with a tight live show and this 10 track disk of pure hardcore/metalcore insanity, it’s safe to think that this band has a bright future. I am gonna give this record an 8.3 out of 10.  [ END ]

Track Listing:

01. The Immaculate Rejection
02. Perish
03. The Book of Mourning
04. For What You Have Done
05. Birthrites
06. Drowning in Disgust
07. Everything About Me
08. Faith in Destruction
09. The End of Days
10. My Trust, You’ve Betrayed

Run Time: ??:??


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