broken — adjective — bro·ken | \ ˈbrō-kən \ Definition of broken 1: violently separated into parts 2: damaged or altered by or as if by breaking such as: a: having...
I’ve been on a break from my ‘professional’ writing of late for a few reasons. I’ve begun my second novel: a Sci-Fi opus of cyberpunks, hyper...
I’ve been taking antidepressants once a day since April 2019. And yet it’s been one of the most turbulent years in my life. Existential crises seem...
Part One: Ascetic Advertisements, Bored Billboards and Cunty Capitalists Boris Johnson didn’t die of the coronavirus, and that makes me sad. Before you wax righteousness and...
Hey Fuckers. Welcome to Violent Expression – a column that dissects and discusses the need for us to s(l)ay what we mean and mean what we...