The Convalescence is an Ohio-based symphonic deathcore band about to embark on a short Canadian trek, but before braving the harsh Northern elements, they are joining...
Riding a wave of recent hype that began with her Plane Crash EP, Bonnie Li, a multilingual vocalist has released her debut full-length, Wǒ Men. Here...
With the looming March 8th release of their upcoming album, Brain Invaders, we checked in with Orange County, California punks, Zebrahead, to discuss... peanut butter sandwiches?...
Swedish rock group, The Bongo Club run down their Top 10 worst European hostel and hotel experiences.
Manchester, England’s alternative rockers, The Elephant Trees are huge supporters of the LGBTQ community. With their debut EP due in April and the “4100” single on...
Out of My Way are an up-and-coming Swedish pop-punk trio who happily curated their own list of the Top 10 emerging Scandinavian pop-punk bands to keep...
To give you something extremely exclusive, and unique to only industrial metal band Porn, the French musicians listed their Top 10 most controversial, or racy, music...
Rambunctious pop-punkers Hello, Atlantic, who recently dropped their newest single, “Night Life”, join us to showcase their lighter side by listing their TOP 10 fun facts...
Undeck the Halls! Detachment, a five-piece metalcore band hailing from Long Island, NY, celebrate their recent single, “Million Eyes”, by joining us with their TOP 10...
It is one again that joyous time of the year and we are running down the Top 10 Christmas songs that’ll get you in the spirit...
Toronto’s indie-folk darlings, Birds of Bellwoods just released their debut full-length, Victoria and, to celebrate this monumental event, we are happy to have the band join...
Genre bending rap-rockers Oxymorrons eagerly take the opportunity to give us insight into one half of their personality by listing, in no particular order, their TOP...
His daughter is named Kerry King and he's been a Slayer fan for as long as he can remember. How could we not get Tale of...
US metal titans Slayer kick off their European tour in Dublin tonight so who better to provide their Ultimate Slaylist than Bloodstock Photographer and Slayer obsessive...
To help celebrate Halloween, Canadian nerd-rockers Double Experience have shared their Top 10 spookiest songs lifted from classic video game soundtracks.