Teenage Joans "The Rot That Grows Inside My Chest (The Film)," a short film that creates a colourful gothic horror tale of candy apples and then...
Ladybug Films has released the new horror short-film ‘44,’ written and directed by first-time director Dhwani Shah.
Matt Pittroff & Jeff Collins, share short film, “Safe Space,” asking: When it comes to love, is AI or human beings the more advanced species?
‘A Leisurely Swim to Everlasting Life’ (AKP Recordings) is a wonderfully calming mini-documentary that draws you in slowly and leaves you wanting to discover more about...
New York-based director, writer, and producer Jon Ryan has released his newest short film, ‘Full Time.’ Details inside!
‘Running A Family Farm’ is a heart-warming short film by French rock-blues guitar/drums duo, The Inspector Cluzo.
Foo Fighters introduce you to “The Teacher,” the epic 10-minute fourth track to be released in advance of the band's 11th album, ‘But Here We Are,’...
‘Keel,’ a 10-minute period drama directed by Margaret Seid, is set to premiere as an Official Selection at the Beverly Hills Film Festival on Thursday, April...
With a second album imminent and an accompanying inspirational documentary short film, we dive into the philosophical world of Asher Gamedze.
boygenius recently unveiled their Kristen Stewart-directed short film "the film" (Black Dog Films), and it is a wonderfully shot experiment in indie-style filmmaking.
The beauty and the pain that shares the space of aja monet’s new track, “The Devil You Know,” and its accompanying short film is nothing short...
For the uneducated, Star Trek: Discovery has been a thing on CBS All Access now for almost three years. Two seasons are available to watch/stream with...
We hope you like avocado because we have plenty to offer today courtesy of instrumental progressive metallers Altostratus. Rather than your average song/video combo, the band...
Primarily a composer, perhaps best known for his audio work on three seasons of MTV’s The Tom Green Show, Friendly Rich is also a very eclectic...
Short film “Down Again” focuses on Mark Hunter (vocalist of Chimaira) and his experience of mental illness. Directed by Nick Cavalier, it's a brilliant short film...