"Xenophøbia" is the last single from Brooklyn post-punk duo NØMADS. This follows the band's recent trend of releasing one song per month based on rare or...
NØMADS have released a brand new track called "Megalophøbia." This is their July installment of their ongoing, full year long conceptual project called PHOBIAC.
"Dementophøbia" is the latest track to come from NØMADS‘ brand new PHOBIAC project.
"Chronometrophøbia" is the newest song from NØMADS‘ forthcoming PHOBIAC project.
"Acrophobia" is the latest stream coming from NØMADS, a song based on the extreme fear of heights.
New York's fuzzed-out rock/post-punk two-piece, NØMADS, are back with a new single called "Achluphobia".
NØMADS have released their fiery new single "Traumatophobia" via SoundCloud - listen above. This is their first new output since their 2014 debut album Free My...
New York City's NØMADS is gearing up for the release of their debut album on April 8 via Mecca Lecca, and is now sharing "Free My...
NØMADS recently released their new song "In The Mend" as a free MP3/download and now we're hosting it too! The song is one of the first...