Persefone combine exceptional musicianship and songwriting with audience engagement to deliver an unforgettable show. We caught their recent gig at The Garage in London with openers...
The Battle Cry DVD is a must-have for any fan of Judas Priest or metal in general. By Vanessa Markov Photos By Andrew Hartl AWOLNATION are too good for their own pace – that’s the only explanation I can think of for...
They came, they played, they destroyed! Poland's Black/Death Metal conquerors Behemoth, invaded Tampa's The Orpheum as headliners of the 2012 Decibel Magazine Tour. From opener "Ov...
Recently I recently had the opportunity to speak with Masaki Murashita, guitarist and vocalist for the Arizona-based extreme metal band, Hemoptysis. Their latest release, Misanthropic Slaughter,...
I recently had the pleasure of speaking with Wretched, vocalist for the horror punk band Grave Robber. Dressed in zombie costumes that look like they've been...
Following the release of their debut album 'White Noise Bed' out now on No Sleep Records, Chicago-based psychedelic Americana band Santah have premiered the new video...