Eddy Lee Ryder joins us for a Women of Rock feature and lists five women who have genuinely inspired her to become the artist she is...
Review by Andrew Horan Toronto-via-Nashville country singer Lindi Ortega made a triumphant return to her hometown, playing to a capacity crowd at The Mod Club. Towards...
By Andrew Horan lindiortega.ca Toronto-via-Nashville singer Lindi Orgeta would like to clear up a misconception that’s going around about her new album Faded Gloryville. Namely, just...
Last Gang Records By. Johna Autencio http://lindiortega.ca/ Cool, catchy, country music are the best words to describe the release of Lindi Ortega‘s fourth new album, Faded...
By Andrew Horan http://music.cbc.ca/#!/CBCMusicca-Festival When Toronto hip-hop artist Shad took the stage to kick-off CBC Music Fest, he commented that, “it feels like summer”, even though...