Eddie Negrete’s debut single, “Been Weeks,” introduces the dance music scene to his unique fusion of pop, house, and indie dance which defies the boundaries of...
Gold Shimmer is a vibe—and it’s undeniable. Their new single “Melrose and Vine” is a high-energy collaboration track with songwriter and producer Jordan lacovella. It’s first...
On “Not For Me,” Alyssa & Gia deliver effervescent synth-pop, an alluring rhythm, and vibrant vocals.
If you’re talking about singer and songwriter Dinah Thorpe’s current output of music, it’s anything but for the birds. Thorpe released her latest album, For The...
Get your weekend juices flowing with LEFTI’s remix of the Abc Dialect original, “Magic.” The disco house remix is out now via Casablanca Sunset Records and...