"Xenophøbia" is the last single from Brooklyn post-punk duo NØMADS. This follows the band's recent trend of releasing one song per month based on rare or...
Californian surf/garage rock trio The Captain's Son will be headed towards Austin, Texas come March so we're helping them promote the good times with a premiere...
On November 17th, Toronto’s Brenda will issue their new 5-track EP Creeper. Check out our exclusive track-by-track and album premiere!
Hamilton, Ontario-based punk trio Rat Parade have debuted their new self-titled EP right here!
We're back with more new music from Los Angeles alt-rock quartet, Madus! Stream the single "Enjoy The Night" here.
The latest single from Ontario duo Deathsticks revs into sludgy, psyched-out-of-the-mind grunge, slamming into life like parachuting two grams of MDMA and walking down the street...
Ottawan band Deathsticks released a pair of tunes on July 5, 2017, 1 of which - "Buzzkill" - you can grab as a free download!
NØMADS have released a brand new track called "Megalophøbia." This is their July installment of their ongoing, full year long conceptual project called PHOBIAC.
LA rockers Madus have shifted to a more raw, garage sound on their new EP and you can hear this shift as we exclusively premiere their...
With the debut Lost Weekends EP, from New York garage rock two-piece Fake Guns due out at the end of July, we're pumped to premiere their...
"Dementophøbia" is the latest track to come from NØMADS‘ brand new PHOBIAC project.
They mix the Ramones with Blondie, but will Are You Listening?, the debut album from all-girl rockers The Franklys grab your attention? Read our review here...
Grab the song "Washed Away" from Woodstock, Ontario surf punk upstarts, The Less Unfortunates.
"Chronometrophøbia" is the newest song from NØMADS‘ forthcoming PHOBIAC project.
The capacity crowd at Toronto's Mod Club Theatre didn't seem to mind waiting in the rain. They came to see Australian psychedelic rock band Pond, along...