Paramount+ has unveiled the new “Coming Out of the Dark” music video lifted from the forthcoming film ‘Monster High: The Movie.”
First some background: in late 2016, the synthwave artist Carpenter Brut released an official video for his single, “Turbo Killer.” Directed by the avant-garde French duo...
Dismal Spells from the Dragonrealm by Finland’s Druadan Forest isn’t black metal, isn’t goth or darkwave, and most definitely isn’t your average ambient mixer - but...
Marseille, France based metalcore newcomers Landmvrks have just released their new music video for "The Worst Of You And Me".
France-based metalcore newcomers Landmvrks have released a new lyric video for "Reckoning", the fourth single from their second album, Fantasy.
Del Toro has magnificently managed to push his signature style into new creative territory with The Shape of Water, by making a cinematic love letter to...
Marseille, France-based metalcore newcomers Landmvrks have inked a record deal with Arising Empire. To celebrate the band have re-released their current single and video for "Fantasy".
It delivers a tale of good and evil, but this particular instalment doesn't deal in ANY clear-cut heroes and villains.
With two of Hollywood’s most talented working actors headlining a Steven King adaptation, what could possibly go wrong? Evidently, a lot.
The Banned Underground is a fantasy novel unlike any other I have ever experienced. The terrific melding of fantasy with incredibly dry, wry humor and wit...