Released 40 years ago next week (August 15, 1979), via Swan Song Records, In Through the Out Door, the iconic eighth studio record from Led Zeppelin...
Released 40 years ago this week (July 27, 1979) via Atlantic Records, Highway to Hell, the sixth studio set from AC/DC, remains a perfect slab of...
God’s favorite glam gurus, Stryper, dropped their ground-breaking debut EP 35 years ago this week via Enigma Records, and it still hits like a spandex sack...
In the late ‘70s, REO Speedwagon were the crowned “Kings of American Hard Rock.” And no other record found in their impressive catalog screams that point...
The landmark Kinks album, Low Budget, buzzed with crisp, relevant social commentary when it was released forty years ago this week via Arista Records. The 11-song...
Given the less than compelling content seeping into the hard rock scene at the time, DIO’s The Last in Line was the right record at the...
Pretties for You, the debut record from the legendary band Alice Cooper, is as “weird” today as when it first was released 50 years ago this...
It was precisely the right record at precisely the right time. Released June 20th, 1989, the smash album from Faith No More, The Real Thing, still...
An amazing 15 years after its initial U.S. release (June 15, 2004, via Island), Hot Fuss, the debut slab from Vegas-bred rock darlings, The Killers, remains...
Celebrating its 25th anniversary this week (June 7, 1994), Stone Temple Pilot’s sophomore set, Purple, remains an important, fresh and vibrant record — possibly the strongest...
It was 45 years ago this month (May 1974), when the fledgling progressive British band, UFO released one of its quintessential studio sets, Phenomenon via Chrysalis...
Dismissed frequently for being a disco record, “Dynasty” was EXACTLY the album that KISS needed at that time it was released — May 23, 1979. 40...
For those who remember first hearing the debut Weezer record, when it was new, get ready — you’re about to feel a good bit older. The...
35 years following its initial release (out May 10, 1984 via Atlantic), Stay Hungry remains an important record for Twisted Sister and fans alike — still...
While not known as widely as their more radio-friendly releases, 45 years on, Secret Treaties (Columbia) remains an important and well-respected entry in the impeccable Blue...