Formed by Jacomo Bairos and Sam Hyken, two of classical music’s most in-demand artists, Nu Deco Ensemble have today released their Kishi Bashi-produced self-titled debut. The...
Nova Scotian singer-songwriter Joel Plaskett has revealed a fairly extensive spring 2020 tour which will see the artist performing across Canada from mid-April until the end...
If you’re yet to be excited for the upcoming Marcus King release, El Dorado, then maybe this brand new music video for the single “The Well”...
Yep, that’s right, Ben Poole is about to unveil a new album. The blues-rock guitarist and singer-songwriter has announced a January 31st, 2020 release for his...
William Prince has confirmed details for his highly-anticipated sophomore album, and unveiled the lead single “The Spark” – stream it below or via one of the...
Brooklyn, New York-based musician Gabriel Birnbaum, known by many for his work fronting the indie-rock trio Wilder Maker, is set to release his debut solo recording...
With their new album All Things Go set for release on February 7th through BMG (pre-save/order here), Berlin-based folk-indie group Mighty Oaks have confirmed a Spring...
Hailing from Oakland, California, The Saxophones are a husband and wife duo who specialize in minimalist indie-folk with heavy strains of ‘50s vintage pop. Musically, the...
Jason McMahon, a Brooklyn-based, avant-garde artist who curates experimental-folk music through a uniquely tuned acoustic guitar, is announcing his first solo album, Odd West, due out...
Icelandic singer-songwriter Ásgeir has confirmed the fantastic news that fans can expect both a new album and international touring in early 2020. The announcement was accompanied...
Stream the new Wytch Hazel song, "We Will Be Strong" now, right here!
Los Angeles-born, New York City-based DJ/Producer Clockwork has been churning out heavy-hitting tracks since 2009. He was one of the many 18-year-olds circling the dance blogosphere...