Shane Clark, guitarist with Vancouver's metal crusaders 3 Inches Of Blood spoke with PureGrainAudio on the night of May 13th, 2010 before a show at Toronto's...
Here Waits Thy Doom (09.08.2009)
Beware The Circling Fin [EP] (10.14.2008)
The sun sets on Ricoh Coliseum in Toronto, and on Children Of Bodom's black tour bus. The atmosphere at the venue is slowly getting a little...
Somewhere at 1 PM. Actually, by somewhere I mean the Rivoli on Queen Street. We’re in the back of the bar, where the bands go on...
Best Of (Chapter One 1997-2004) (2005)
Young for Eternity is UK Indie act The Subways’ first album and I think they’ve got something more than debutante luck when it comes to putting...
This is HIM’s (His Infernal Majesty) first domestic release, after a successful run in Scandinavia that began with 1997’s Greatest Lovesongs, Vol. 666. This album is,...
Siren Song of the Counter Culture (2004)