Producer Fred James and blues singer Mary-Ann Brandon have teamed up to release a collaborative album entitled We Belong Together; which is due out in July...
I wonder if bands like Thin Lizzy and Led Zeppelin had any idea back in their heyday that thirty years later we'd refer to them as...
The British are often seen as something of a complacent nation; all tea on the lawn and dainty sandwiches for lunch. Well, Onslaught dispel all the...
Californian three piece Abysmal Dawn combine the racing drums of thrash metal, with the atmospheric guitar riffs of doom metal, and the bellowing vocal of... some...
Close Your Eyes impressed us in early 2010 with their debut album We Will Overcome, and the band have since gone from strength to strength, playing...
"Black Mass" is the opening track to Electric Wizard's 7th album, Black Masses. Dirty, grungy and repetitive, it epitomizes the hallucinogenic doom metal style that Electric...
Als Wären Wir Für Immer is the latest release from German industrial rockers Die Krupps. With just 5 original tracks, the EP is filled out a...
More often than not, when bands are hailed as 'one to watch' they end up being unable to live up to the hype. For most of...
When I first heard the latest Maroon 5 album, Hands All Over, I only liked one of the songs and was generally pretty disappointed. However, according...
Prior to listening to Ghost's album Opus Eponymous, I read the press release that used the words "beautiful," "satanic" and "pop" in the same sentence. And...
Pittsburgh natives Gene The Werewolf apparently set out with the intention of making music that is "as ridiculous as it is awesome." And you only need...
This two song EP of "All Souls' Day" and "The Graveyard of the Atlantic" secures The Ataris' standing as one of the most consistent alternative rock...
Volbeat is a band who manage to craft perfect pop melodies into rock songs. Throughout their career they've consistently delivered their own brand of tuneful singalong...
With its atmospheric layered sounds and haunting twangly guitars, the opening track, "Return of the Son of Fog Rider" off Del Rey's latest album Immemorial is...
With Fall Out Boy and Paramore having enjoyed the saccharine taste of success, it's surprising that former label-mates Punchline are pretty much unheard of. Despite their...