All in all, this is still a solid EP with commendable musicianship, but a far cry from bands like Scale the Summit, Animals as Leaders, or...
This band is a machine, the most emotional human-like machine imaginable, so basically not a machine at all. The only way I can summarize how I...
I feel different now. I might not be able to look my mother in the eyes for a very long time, but it was well worth...
Silent Planet isn't particularly silent. Quite the opposite, actually, in the most delightful, metalcore way. First of all, have you heard of Silent Planet before? I,...
An album is a collection of songs. I've listened to a lot of albums and even more songs, many of which fall into a collective noise...
Meshuggah has had such an incredible influence on modern metal. This EP is a remastered release of their 2004 EP, I, which according to their drummer...
I started listening to Dinosaurs Are Not Gone! without knowing what I was getting myself into. I was somewhat caught off guard whilst drinking my morning...
With great guitar chops comes great responsibility. Wielding such power requires the patience of Gandhi and the attention to detail of Mario Batali. If you're not...
Nick Johnston is a beautiful man. I'm not sure if "Atomic Rock" is actually a genre recognized by humans, but it certainly does describe Nick's songwriting...
While the climate is changing, so is the band Climates. Their new album Body Clocks will surely get your tundra warm and seasonally wet with a...
Took me forever to get around to writing this review, mainly 'cause I don't know what to say about it, as well as life and gummy...
While some people declare celibacy and others, like Joel Osteen, sell their soul, I mean a shit ton of copies of a book with a title...
Some people don't like synth in their tea, but I do. Likewise, some people find synth in metalcore/hardcore music as a gimmick and make fun of...
It's not every day that you come across a term like "jazzcore." I found Numbers online a few years ago when I discovered their vocalist's covers...
So when it comes to music, everyone thinks they're professional critics, like me, and a cool thing to do in the metalcore/post-hardcore scene is to put...