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Track-by-Track: Nick Duane Explores the Human Condition with New Album ‘Credibility’

Nick Duane takes us through a track-by-track rundown of his new album ‘Credibility,’ a blend of blends raw emotion and musical mastery.



Nick Duane, Courtesy of Artist

Acclaimed indie singer-songwriter Nick Duane introduces Credibility, his fifth studio album, a twelve-track odyssey into the complexities of the human experience. The album embodies Nick’s commitment to artistic authenticity, blending classic influences with forward-thinking soundscapes. Known for his ability to craft emotionally resonant and narrative-driven music, Nick explores themes of vulnerability, connection, and self-discovery, drawing inspiration from rock and synth-pop icons like The Beatles, David Bowie, and Garbage. With each track, he delves into unique facets of the human condition, creating a sonic tapestry that is both deeply personal and universally relatable.

From the cinematic opener “It Wasn’t Me,” which sets a story-driven tone, to the emotionally raw ballad “Oceans,” recorded in just three vocal takes, Credibility showcases Nick’s knack for pairing vivid storytelling with innovative arrangements. Tracks like “Miles Away” transform whimsical exercises into poignant explorations of longing, while the humour-tinged “Lost My Cell Phone” reflects his ability to weave introspection and wit. Nick describes the album as a collection of songs inspired by moments of clarity, imagined relationships, and emotional role-playing—each offering a glimpse into the hopes, losses, and fleeting revelations that define the human experience.

Nick Duane generously walks us through a Track-by-Track rundown of the creative process behind the album, sharing both the personal and imagined experiences that led to the ideas for each song.

1. “It Wasn’t Me”

“The idea for this song started when I was online talking to someone from Mexico. I mentioned I would drop the name of their town in my lyrics to a new song I was starting to write. From there I envisioned a story where I would see a girl who had been hurt in a previous relationship and quickly the song started writing itself.”

2. “Lost My Cell Phone”

“I had the music completed and set up a microphone, I then played the music and sang over the top making up lyrics as I went along. When I was done I heard the playback and decided to keep the first and only vocal that was attempted.”

3. “The Stars Align”

“I had completed the music a few years ago, written after a childhood grammar school friend had passed away. And I had lost this music on a computer that had died but now happily found it on an old computer drive. I was able to transfer the music to 2024 and write new lyrics while keeping the music’s original title.”

4. “Eyes Wide Open”

“This was the first song of the twelve that I had written for this album. Oddly enough all the other songs were written one after another and appear on this album in the order that they were completed.”

Nick Duane – ‘Credibility’ Album Artwork

Nick Duane – ‘Credibility’ Album Artwork

5. “Miles Away”

“Again from an online conversation, I was asked if I could write a song. She asked me to use her name and mention the words ‘ice cream’ and ‘hide and seek.’ After a couple of failed attempts, I came up with the song ‘Miles Away.’”

6. “Between The Lines”

“I decided to write a song about a person who was new to a town and he stumbled into a bad situation partly of his own making.”

7. “So Simple”

“I first wrote these lyrics as a positive song but after playing back the song I decided to rerecord the lyrics. I wanted to add some of life’s twists and turns, how you can sometimes dream and fail.”

8. “New Beginnings”

“The story of two star-crossed lovers who are kept apart by location and fate.”

9. “You Don’t Know”

“I had some different sounds in my head that I wanted to explore and interpret musically. The music came first and after I recorded it the lyrics quickly appeared to me.”

10. “Tell Me”

“I felt it was time that I write more of a straight-up rocker and this is what I came up with.”

11. “A Master Plan”

“Whether it is a prison break or a relationship break up or a new joint adventure in life, you have to come up with a plan.”

12. “Oceans”

“I role played in this song, A song when a lover can feel their partner spiritually leaving them. I had trouble singing one part, as I started to live the words I was singing and became overcome with emotion. The vocal should have been done in two takes but now I was forced to re-record a vocal overdub. I left in two of the emotional words to remind myself of what had happened. To my mind, it made the song more real.”

Dawn Jones is the curator of the V13 imPRESSED Column. Previously known as imPRESSED Indie Music Blog, Jones and her team joined forces with V13 in 2020 to collaborate on an exclusive column on V13's site (imPRESSED) to bring a niche focus to the rapidly evolving indie music genre. Dawn is also the founder of Pressed PR - a boutique PR agency that focuses on PR for independent creatives. Pressed PR’s team works on a variety of campaigns partnering with independent filmmakers, independent artists, and independent labels. Pressed PR’s music clientele has landed in the pages of Billboard, Atwood Magazine, EARMILK, HYPE Magazine, and many others.

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