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Flyght Club Shares the Top 10 Things About Flyght Club That Nobody Else Knows

Electro pop artist Flyght Club joins us to share with us the “Top 10 Things About Flyght Club That Nobody Else Knows.”



Flyght Club, photo by Nica Aquino
Flyght Club, photo by Nica Aquino

There’s more to music than just making sound that sounds good, which is apparent when you get to know artists like Flyght Club. The songwriting project of Shauvik Sharan, Flyght Club is primarily focused on mood and emotion. As a writer, producer, mixer, and performer, Sharan oversees it all on his own. Everything is his own creation, which creates a genuine and authentic listening experience. It’s not necessarily genre-specific, with Sharan more focused on making songs that will make you feel something. There’s smoothness to his process and certainly a heavy influence of 1980s synth pop. You can hear it in his recently released single “Nobody Else Knows.” After taking some time off to reconsider the direction of his sound, Flyght Club has reemerged with a dynamic, infectious sound that is honest and true to itself.

Sharan is originally from Pune, India, but relocated to Los Angeles nearly a decade ago. He grew up on classic rock which got him interested in guitar, which he was already well versed in by his teen years. After a couple of years spent playing in rock bands, he found his true calling with electronic music, which was affirmed by his winning different DJ competitions. He’s had the opportunity to work with artists such as Jason Derulo, MrMovi3, and King Cruff.

Sharan joins us today to share the Top 10 things about Flyght Club that nobody else knows.

1. “I originally wanted to be a fiction writer before getting into music. I wanted to be an author growing up and started writing several novels. Unfortunately, I couldn’t finish any because mid-way through writing it, I would think of a cooler idea and start working on that instead. It was later that I discovered songwriting and found it to be a great method to tell stories. Instead of using just words, I could use melodies, rhythms and instruments to convey what I intended to. That’s how I got into writing songs and haven’t stopped since.”

2. “A lot of my music is about fictional characters and stories, but a lot of them are also based on real-life experiences. ‘Nobody Else Knows’ which songs are based on real events and people and which are not.”

3. “I am an excellent chef. I have a knack for cooking. I love experimenting with cooking different foods and cuisines and going deep into the recipe in order to recreate the dish perfectly. I don’t tell a lot of people because then I’ll have to cook for them. I only like to cook for myself (laughs).”

4. “I’m a huge fan of Bollywood Music. Well, I am Indian, after all (laughs). I grew up listening to a lot of 2000s Bollywood Music and continue to listen to and appreciate them to this day. Even though all my songs are in English, a lot of the melodies and vocal lines are heavily inspired by the Bollywood songs I listened to growing up. Indian music has some of the tastiest melodies, instrumentation and a beautiful way of crafting the lyrics.”

5. “I watch all horror movies (‘The Good,’ ‘The Bad,’ and ‘The Atrocious’). I love horror movies. They’re fun and simple and don’t bother my short attention span. I especially enjoy the terrible ones because they make for better comedy than some of the funny films these days.”

6. “I got good grades in school and was a smart kid growing up. I always tried to play the fool in school because I’ve always thrived on attention but I was one of those kids that never studied but ended up with good grades (The kind that everyone hates). All the teachers hated me but couldn’t really say much because my grades were good. They did say I was wasting my potential, I think I would waste my potential doing anything other than music.”

Flyght Club, full band

Flyght Club, full band

7. “I have no actual hobbies. The bad part of making your passion your job is that you are left with no significant hobbies. I guess cooking could be one of them, but that’s a really lonely activity (especially when you don’t like cooking for other people). All of my days are spent listening to music, making music, playing music, and hanging out with musicians. I’m not really into any other activity I could call my hobby.”

8. “I have chronic anxiety and have battled severe depression. I’m a very optimistic and positive person by default. I try to stay happy, hopeful, and focused on my passion. But I have been battling a chronic anxiety disorder for the past five years, where false thoughts take over my mind and start developing realities that just aren’t real. I try to advocate for mental health and try to bring out my own experiences through some of my songs.”

9. “I don’t know much music theory and can’t read sheet music at all. Despite having gone to music school and pursuing an education in music, I don’t have too strong a foundation in music theory. I mean I know more than the average person but not nearly enough to consider myself proficient. But I just kind of experiment with different chord progressions and rhythms and make what sounds cool to me. I was so bad at reading music that my teachers couldn’t believe it was possible (laughs).”

10. “I’m naturally very introverted. I have learnt over the years to switch to an extroverted personality and be extremely social. It’s part of finding success in the entertainment industry. But I grew up very introverted and socially anxious. I had no idea how to talk to people, especially strangers, and had the worst time in social situations. I had to train myself to be outgoing, interacting with as many people as possible, and become the extroverted version of myself that was needed to get to where I am.”

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