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Toronto’s UWUW Release Their Soul and Funk-filled Self-Titled Debut

Released on October 21st, music lovers should check out the debut full-length offering from Toronto band UWUW (pronounced you-you).



Released on October 21st, music lovers should check out the debut full-length offering from Toronto band UWUW (pronounced you-you). The four-song self-titled effort is out via We Are Busy Bodies Records and features Drew Smith and Marker Starling on vocals, plus Jason Haberman of Dan Mangan, Jay Anderson of Badge Epoque Ensemble, Biblical and Lammping, and Ian Blurton of Ian Blurton’s Future Now, Change of Heart and C’mon.

Commenting on his songwriting process for their debut album, Drew Smith shares:

“The overall theme to the songs was nature reaping what is sowed.”

Regarding the song, Smith notes being influenced by The Doors:

“The first rock n’ roll band I ever loved, for better or worse, was The Doors. That must play into the lyrics of this song a little bit – ‘The End, End Of The Night.’ It’s not a big leap to see that those tunes are imprinted in my musical DNA. Most of the lyrics and harmonies were suggested by the music. It’s already in there. It’s not even a case of heavy lifting, just listening. I was just interpreting what Ian, Jay and Jason put to tape. My job was more fun than work.”

Artwork for the album ‘UWUW’ by UWUW

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