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Band Submissions End October 31st For Alberta’s LOUD AS HELL 2023 Lineup

Canadian extreme music festival LOUD AS HELL is winding down band submissions for its 2023 lineup, which is being held from August 4th to 6th at the Dinosaur Downs Stampede Grounds in Drumheller, AB.



Loud As Hell logo

Canadian extreme music festival LOUD AS HELL is winding down band submissions for its 2023 lineup, which is being held from August 4th to 6th at the Dinosaur Downs Stampede Grounds in Drumheller, AB.

Bands interested in performing at LAH XI can submit their application at

Submissions end October 31st.

Once home to the roaring sounds of dinosaurs, Alberta’s badlands has been hosting Loud As Hell since 2012 and will witness the 11th edition of one of Western Canada’s most celebrated metal festivals.

Loud As Hell has hosted hundreds of Canadian and international bands annually since 2012, with exception of 2020 due to the Covid pandemic. During its decade of showcasing Canadian and international bands, the festival has grown into a pilgrimage for metalheads from across the country. Past years have hosted well-known bands such as Into Eternity, Goatwhore, Battlecross, Fit for An Autopsy, Anciients, Archspire, Unleash The Archers, Striker, KEN mode, Obey The Brave, Protest the Hero, AngelMaker, Divinity, Neck of The Woods, Endast among many more.

Volunteers Wanted For 2023:
Volunteers are wanted for production and security. For full details email at loudashellfestival[@]gmail[.]com​

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