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Italian Metal Label Aural Music Postpones All Scheduled April Releases



Covid-19 continues to impact entire industries the world over and, today, the Italian metal record label, Aural Music has announced that it will be postponing all of its previously-scheduled April releases to a later date. This includes Ottone Pesante’s DoomooD, of Kariti’s Covered Mirrors, and Dynfari’s Myrkurs er þörf.

Aural Music CEO, Emi shared the following, “Consequently to the Coronavirus pandemic and its unpredictable evolution in Italy and abroad, we consider it appropriate to postpone the album releases scheduled for April 2020. We hope to be able to announce the new releases dates soon, in the meantime we will remain active on our online pages. Keep on following us.”

Check out some of the label’s increbiel past releases here:

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