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PureGrainAudio’s THROWBACK THURSDAY: Highlighting the Best from Nirvana, Avenged Sevenfold & Metallica

Hello PGAers! We are pretty damn stoked to launch this new feature…Tales from the back,… The PGA Throwback Thursday, featuring Nirvana, Avenged Sevenfold and Metallica.



Hello PGAers! We are pretty damn stoked to launch this new feature…“Tales from the Back”… The PGA Throwback Thursday! Launching every Thursday, we’ll feature some blasts from the past meant to spark some nostalgia and inject some pretty rad music back into our lives to cancel out all the filler! We hope you enjoy! Leave a comment below on what you want to see.

Welcome, September! This is our first #TBT, and we couldn’t be more pumped. You won’t find anything pumpkin spice here my friends, just sick tunes. This week we’re going “90s and a touch into the 2000s with Nirvana, some ‘Tallica, and ‘Tallica’s younger hotter younger brothers…Avenged Sevenfold.

01. Nirvana – “Heart Shaped Box”
– Coming off their third and final studio album, In Utero, “Heart Shaped Box” was released in 1993. Holy Crap… I’m old. I was in grade seven, for you American’s that’s seventh grade. I remember hearing this on our local radio station, and even seeing it on MuchMusic, Canada’s version of MTV. My brother slayed the axe and had their sheet music laying around. Besides the hoopla of winning a couple of awards, the song really has a sad meaning behind it, children and cancer as Cobain explained it “Anytime I think about it, it makes me sadder than anything I can think of.” Check out the video and add it to your queue. Let the reminiscing begin.

02. Avenged Sevenfold – “Unholy Confessions” (Original First Cut)
– Ah, the low-budget music video. This puppy graced our screens in 2003 via Hopeless Records and off the Waking the Fallen album. Most A7Xers started with these tracks, hearing snippets here and there. This was the time where labels like Vagrant, Epitaph and Hopeless flourished with bands anew. The So-Cal scene was emerging with amazing acts, tours and epic stories.

03. Metallica – “Enter Sandman”
– July 30th, 1991. Metallica has officially arrived and solidified their place in metal history as being one of the greatest bands ever. This video is wicked. Besides the creepy-assed snakes all over the kid’s face, and the twisted lullaby lyrics, the best part, and everyone knows which one I’m talkin’ ’bout comes in at 4:30…BOOM.

Aren’t you glad we resurrect these vids? A blast from the past.

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