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VNDTA Give Us a Track-By-Track Insight to Their Brutal New EP ‘Pale Glow’ [Exclusive]

With the release of their new EP Pale Glow only a few days away on April 13th, we sat down with Hertfordshire heavyweights Vndta to get the track-by-track lowdown on the inspiration behind the songs.



With the release of their new EP Pale Glow only a few days away on April 13th, we sat down with Hertfordshire heavyweights Vndta to get the track-by-track lowdown on the inspiration behind the songs.

1. Pale Glow
We wanted to start the album heavy. With a track that showcased everything that we could do and what was to come. “Pale Glow” is a sleazy, riff-based song with a dark and earie feel. All about the consequences of betrayal.

2. Excuses
We wanted to expose the true vulnerability of mental health in this song. How we are often too ashamed to admit to ourselves that we aren’t ok and that we need to change. This song is a heavy and rhythmic anthem dedicated to never giving up.

3. Swine
You’re never going to be liked by everyone. No matter how hard you try to please, someone is going to hate you for being you. This is what inspired us to write “Swine”. With groovy hooks and a catchy melody, this song is meant for moshing and singing along to.

4. Martyr
“Martyr” is a perfect example of how we don’t limit ourselves to one genre. With hints of hardcore, prog, djent and death metal, it’s a frantic yet cleverly constructed song with a no bullshit attitude. Lyrics inspired by ‘hard done by’ personalities, this song is sarcastic and heavy.

Check out the Vndta track “Martyr”

5. Rare Breed
Showing a slightly lighter side to our playing, “Rare Breed” is all about melody and message. The message being that it is ok to be different. Sex, drugs and a ‘rock-star’ lifestyle is fine for some, but you should never be made to feel bad for not participating in it.

6. Leeches
Old school thrash inspired riffs and pure aggression. This track is everything metal. With a big uplifting and melodic chorus this song is a great chance for our vocalist to really display all her range. This song is about all the corrupt bands we’ve met whilst on the road.

7. Virus
With success, comes hate. “Virus” was inspired by anyone who has hated on our band and the motivation they give us to do better. It has heavy rhythms broken up with sweet atmospheric cleans and ending with a powerful and uplifting outro. It is a positive message to any negativity.

I have an unhealthy obsession with bad horror movies, the song Wanted Dead Or Alive and crap British game shows. I do this not because of the sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll lifestyle it affords me but more because it gives me an excuse to listen to bands that sound like hippos mating.

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