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Chew on a Stream of the New AUSTIN WARD Single, “Bubblegum” [Exclusive Premiere]

It’s Friday, and that means new music the world over! Today, we have the pleasure of debuting the first single, “Bubblegum” from the riveting new indie rocker, Austin Ward.



It’s Friday, and that means new music the world over! Today, we have the pleasure of debuting the first single, “Bubblegum” from indie rocker, Austin Ward. Ward’s first-ever tune to go to press, it’s a must-hear track which sees the gentle sounds layered with passionate vocals, warm guitars, and rich organ tones. The Los Angeles-based singer-songwriter has made a career of helping other musicians develop their sound and music, but it’s now his turn to step into the spotlight!

Commenting on the brand new single, Ward was kind enough to leave us with these parting words:

“Bubblegum is a stumbling, heartfelt dance; an ode to the vulnerability one feels when chasing after an attraction who’s caught up in all the wrong things — the obscenities of Los Angeles. My hope for the song’s production was to sonically capture these contrasting feelings of enamor and frustration. I’ve taken my desperation and soaked it in honey, for your listening pleasure.”

Born in 2003, V13 was a socio-political website that morphed into PureGrainAudio in 2005 and spent 15 years developing into one of Canada's (and the world’s) leading music sites. On the eve of the site’s 15th anniversary, a full relaunch and rebrand took us back to our roots and opened the door to a full suite of Music, Entertainment, and cultural content.

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