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WOLVES AT THE GATE Streaming “War In The Time Of Peace”” from Forthcoming Album ‘Types & Shadows’

Wolves At The Gate recently unveiled a stream of their new song “War In The Time Of Peace””, which comes from their pending album Types & Shadows.



Wolves At The Gate recently unveiled a stream of their new song “War In The Time Of Peace””, which comes from their pending album Types & Shadows. The release is due out on November 4th, 2016 via Solid State Records.

A centerpiece of the band is, while their songs are memorable and inspiring across punk, hardcore, metal and mainstream listeners, their lyrics find their origin in a sincere faith in God’s willingness to show mercy to mankind despite their sin.

This is clear as Cobucci explains “the lyrical through-line of this concept album “all the songs on the record are written in story form: some of it’s in first person narrative, some of it third, and some of it’s written allegorically. They’’re all shadows of real stories,”” explains Cobucci, “”stories that represent sin, the greatest need of mankind, and the continued revelation that God is gracious despite how broken I am.””

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