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Before The Murder – “Ruins” [Free Download]

Before The Murder is a young party quintet from Murska Sobota, Slovenia that combines various styles of metal with hardcore, creating a sound you’ve never heard before. Since 2010 they’ve been shaking the ground with the founding fathers (Beno, Sven, Grega) and two new members (Jure, Andy) that brought new energy and passion into the band.



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The Skinny: Before The Murder is a young party quintet from Murska Sobota, Slovenia that combines various styles of metal with hardcore, creating a sound you’ve never heard before. Since 2010 they’ve been shaking the ground with the founding fathers (Beno, Sven, Grega) and two new members (Jure, Andy) that brought new energy and passion into the band.

With a perfect mix of melody, elaborate riffing and exploding breakdowns they have slaughtered countless towns in Slovenia, but their urge to kill also let them cross the boarder to Austria where they destroyed the crowd with legends, such as Here Comes The Kraken (MEX), War From A Harlots Mouth (GER), The Language Of Thought Hypothesis, Fuck Your Shadow From Behind (GER), All Falls Down (AUT), Vulvathrone and more.  [ END ]

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