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Album Review

Gatsbys American Dream

Self-Titled (2006)



I’ve heard and seen the hype surrounding Gatsbys American Dream, but never really bought in to it, not because I would discredit them in anyway, I just never really got around to doing it, so I am now.

I listened to their previous releases and had to do some lyrical research to review this album with just.

Following their last disc Volcano, GAD decided to take a different avenue when creating this latest release. It’s a pretty straightforward release, no effects, and no over dramatics, just music. Lyrically, and it’s pretty obvious who they are taking quick jabs at, it’s pretty much a fuck you to the industry. Regardless, this is what they were feeling at the time, and this is what it is. The band clearly stands by their art; their definition of what art and music is and infused it with sophistication and greatness. Give it a listen, not once, not twice, but possibly thrice, and you will get it.

Having such a focus on this self-titled release fueled the band’s creativity musically. The disc doesn’t even need a title, the album in its entirely sums it up to a T.

I appreciate bands like this as a stepping-stone for the younger rockers out there, its kind of an introduction of what is to come as they grow into adult hood and their tastes change. I admire their attitude towards their craft, the industry in which they are in, their take on creating music and everything that the band stands for. If there were more bands out there like Gatsbys American Dream, only good things could come from it.

This band is ever evolving with each release, not many bands can change it up. GAD keeps it fresh and interesting and always leaving you wanting more. The band is obviously talented and each member brings something new to the table, whether its kick ass drum beats, or dance like guitar riffs.

Having been on numerous tours supporting pretty big bands, Gatsbys American Dream have created quite the fan base. Expect them to go far and expect to see them in and around your area soon.  [ END ]

Track Listing:

01. You All Everybody
02. We Can Remember It For You Wholesale
03. Badd Beat
04. My Name Is Ozymandias
05. Margaritas and Cock
06. Station 5: The Pearl
07. Shadow of the Collossus
08. Filthy Beasts
09. Looks Like The Real Thing
10. Me and Ed Loyce
11. The White Mountains

Run Time: 33:45
