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Album Review

American Head Charge – “The Feeding”

American Head Charge are back with a magnificently vigorous third full-length album entitled: “The Feeding”. This disc offers an incredible array of generally aggressive songs, most of which are supremely energetic. The album is an unbelievable piece of industrial metal work and is easily the best one that American Head Charge have yet produced.



American Head Charge are back with a magnificently vigorous third full-length album entitled: “The Feeding”. This disc offers an incredible array of generally aggressive songs, most of which are supremely energetic. The album is an unbelievable piece of industrial metal work and is easily the best one that American Head Charge have yet produced. Although it has been roughly four years since the group’s last release, “The War of Art”, it was well worth the wait. American Head Charge are known for their radical – and sometimes borderline offensive – onstage antics, all of which have been effectively superimposed into this CD. An easy way of describing the sound is that of ‘organized chaos’. The album is mind-blowing and the band is extremely talented; definitely get to know them, for they’ll be around for some time to come.

As has already been established, this music is no joke. The genre of “industrial metal” is inherently hardcore and loud. American Head Charge, however, manages to be this and then some. The first song, “Loyalty”, is a more than suitable way to start the album. It offers a good idea of the vocal capabilities of lead singer Martin Cock, and demonstrates the band’s light and dark sides. The chorus is blaringly loud and will essentially determine the loyalty of the listener – whether the remainder of the album is heard or not. If you have survived the awesome intro tune, then you are now listening to “Pledge Allegiance”. This track offers a similar construction to the previous one, in that it is at first fairly soft and then goes wild during the chorus. It might not be as sick as the first track, but nevertheless it’s great. The third offering, “Dirty” is another wicked song. Once again the chorus is the angry, more noticeably catchy part of the song. These past two tracks make use of several electronic samples (a common staple of industrial metal), all of which work supremely well with each tune.

“Ridicule”, the fourth song, is the longest on the album, yet only runs for a total of 4:48. Overall, this song is not as awesome as the rest of what is on the CD, but it has its moments. If it is at all possible to say that an industrial metal track is melodious, than this one certainly is. “Take What I’ve Taken”, track number five, sounds like an amalgamation of Marilyn Manson and Ministry. The songs sounds are super synthesized making it the best example of the group’s industrial sound. “Leave Me Alone” takes the stand next and is decent. It’s heavy, but it doesn’t have much else going for it. The song is repetitive and lacks noticeable changes in rhythm and pitch. Not the band’s best work, but nevertheless worth a listen. Number seven, “Walk Away”, is not intolerably loud. Actually it is quite the opposite. This song is one of the few quieter tunes that demonstrates the band’s multifaceted musical gifts – and it’s great.

Track eight is called “Erratic”, and yet again is suitably titled. Not only is this crazy heavy song coming after a relatively mellow one, but it also offers a distinctly erratic feel – can’t really explain, just take my word for it! Number nine, “Fiend”, is not bad, it could have been better though. Incidentally this is one of the few songs where the loud chorus is the weakest part of the song – the verses and fills are both excellent though. The tenth song, “Cowards”, is nothing more than a mosh pit maniac’s theme song. Anyone dancing to this tune will appear to be having a seizure; 2:50 of pure musical mayhem. The closing track, “To Be Me”, sounds like it was taken off of a recent Nine Inch Nails’ album. I mean no disrespect, but this song’s verse is not very original. For the rest though, it is a good track.

American Head Charge have changed tremendously over the past for years. Their sound has remained the same, and yet has improved dramatically. This album is unquestionably their best creation to date and it is worth an immediate purchase. You can be sure to expect good things from these guys in the future.  [ END ]

Track Listing:

01. Loyalty
02. Pledge Allegiance
03. Dirty
04. Ridicule
05. Take What I’ve Taken
06. Leave Me Alone
07. Walk Away
08. Erratic
09. Fiend
10. Cowards
11. To Be Me

Run Time: 41:38
Release Date: 2005

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